A podcast
about creation, new life, hope, & second chances
Creation begins with a spark, a moment of unsurpassed brilliance. We are here because of that one great moment when light came into existance. Now think about all the beginnings that you have experienced in your life: How many have had such lasting impacts? Sadly, although these great beginnings may be earth-shaking, at least for a while, their effects tend not to be very long-lasting; the old habits and patterns of life like to cling. First Day is here to remind us that we can all start again.
“And for anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation; the old creation has gone, and now the new one is here. It is all God’s work.”
Patrick Cooley
A seminary professor once asked, “If you only had a longish elevator ride to tell someone who asked about the gospel, what would you say?” Turned out that he was just being a cheeky monkey and declared after an uncomfortable silence that there was nothing that could be said. Although I nodded in agreement—since I wanted an A—the question actually got me thinking. After some years in ministry, I can now confidently say that my professor, regardless of how many letters he had following or preceding his name, was wrong: The gospel can be summed up in the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)—a story that just so happens to be one of my motivations for creating FirstDay.
All we have to do is come to our senses.
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